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Connecticut FRCs provide access to a broad continuum of services that foster the optimal development of children, with the underlying notion being that all families should have access to such services beginning at the birth of the child. The objectives are grouped into the following objectives:

  • family engagement
  • social and emotional learning
  • student and family supports

The target population for FRCs includes children, parents and families who reside in the public elementary school attendance area. While FRC services and activities are for all families and should serve the full, heterogeneous, racial/ethnic and socio-economic mix of families, emphasis must be given towards the recruitment of families with children who are educationally disadvantaged and underachieving and at high risk for school and academic failure. The focus of our work is meant to change in response to the evolving demands of the community. 

The program includes seven service components; all aspects must be a focus of district programming in some capacity. The components include:

  1. quality early care and education
    • Our FRC Pre-K class serves this purpose.
  2. school-age child care
    • We have before-school and after-school programs at all three elementary schools. Students in G5 and G6 can also participate in this program by returning to their home elementary school for before- or after-school care. The wrap-around Pre-K also falls under this umbrella because children receive supplemental child care that allows them the opportunity to participate in Branford’s half-day school-based Pre-K program. Additionally, we offer childcare opportunities during summer vacation. 
    • adult education and family literacy
      • This is achieved through a reciprocal partnership with Shoreline Adult Education. Offerings through Adult Ed. include classes in English language proficiency as well as offerings that result in a high school diploma, or its equivalent.Adults that sign up to take classes through Adult Ed. have the opportunity for their child to participate in a free play group, facilitated by our Family Educator, at the same time. She goes to BHS three times per week to provide literacy-based activities for Adult Ed. students and their children. Family education is also addressed during these sessions.  
    • family day care provider training
      • Our Family Educator does outreach and training to providers in the school’s neighborhood.
    • Families in Training (FIT)
      • This program is facilitated by our Family Educator and is intended for families to receive differentiated support. Components of the FIT program include home visitation, parent education and playgroups. 
    • positive youth development
      • This element of FRC programming includes recreational and educational opportunities aimed at children in grades 4 to 6. We’ve worked toward this component in different ways. Some examples include our SACC program and after-school sports programming. 
    • resource and referral services
      • All members of the FRC team work closely with families to ensure that we provide needed information and link families to needed services. If you’d like to find out about the town’s offerings to support families in a variety of ways, please click here to view our Community Resource Guide.